Impulse, Inc. 6870 Shingle Creek Parkway #112 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430 (612) 566-0221 For Immediate Release: NEW "DIAMOND" with DIAMOND SCAN Diamond is a full featured paint/image processing tool for the entire Commodore Amiga Computer line. FEATURES Blending, Tinting and Smoothing Palette Creation Uses all Display modes including Hi-Res, Medium and Low Res Use of all color modes from 2 to 4096+ Paints in overscan areas of the Amiga Display Complete use of Extra Half Brite Paints in user definable screen sizes from 320 X 200 to 1024 X 1024. Suggested use of 1 meg of ram will operate in 512K Global color change capability Display of complete color palette Standard and Oblique brush creation Merge File option. This feature allows the user to merge two different pictures into one file. Full contol over the palette and saturation of the incoming file. Standard drawing tools, Line, Freehand, Box filled and non-filled, Circle filled and non filled, ellipse filled and non filled. Full IFF compatability, including IFF brushes. Also reads and writes Silver format RGBN files. DIAMOND SCAN The Diamond Scan hardware allows you to use a low cost black and white video camera to import printed data to Diamond. Diamond Scan works in Hires as well as other standard Amiga Display modes. The process involved is for the user to pass three filters over the lens of the video camera to capture a color image directly into Diamond. Black and white digitizing requires no filters to be passed over the lens. The filter set is included with Diamond Scan as well as a complete calibration process. This process insures that the highest quality of images can be captured. Once captured the image can then be manipulated with Diamond the paint program on a real time basis. A very valuable feature of Diamond, when used with Diamond Scan, is the ability to digitize only certain regions of a picture. This feature allows the user to combine images with out the hassel of cutting and pasting different images. Retail Price of Diamond with Diamond Scan $129.99 For further information please call the Impulse Hotline at 1-800-328-0184